Tuesday 29 October 2013

Preliminary task

Preliminary task screenplay

This preliminary tasks displays the camera techniques we have learnt, 180 degree rule, shot reverse shot and match on action. We will use the editing techniques in our final piece. This tasked should include dialogue between two people and present our camera skills.

Shot list:

Story board:

Doctor sitting at a desk typing
Doctor: (shouts) Next please!
Patient enters the room
Doctor: Take a seat please
Patient sits down
Doctor: So what seems to be the problem?
Patient: I’ve recently had red, itchy eyes, a blocked nose and have been frequently sneezing
Doctor: It sounds as if you are having symptoms of hay fever
Patient: Ok what can you prescribe to help?
Write out a prescription
Doctor: I will prescribe you Cetirizine, which will help with these symptoms
Hands the patient the prescription
Patient: Ok, thank you very much

Patient exits the room

Final video:


Below is a Prezi evaluating our preliminary task.

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