Wednesday 23 October 2013

Match on action

Match on action is an editing technique where you will film an action in one shot and then it will cut to the second shot and complete the action, when this is edited you're presented with a continues shot of an action that may not be noticeable because it is edited seamlessly. For example someone could be opening a door and then the camera will switch to the inside of the door to finish the action of the actor entering the room but it will be edited in such a way that it will seem natural and unnoticeable to the audience.
As a task in lesson we was set to film our own version of an action match edit. Our group had decided to get someone sitting down on a sofa and then getting up to walk away, first of all we created a birds eye view plan of how we would set the area up with two camera's, we used two camera so that there was good continuity and it would be a lot easier to edit. We had to make sure that we placed the two camera's in a place where we could clearly see the actress, but also couldn't see the other camera in either of the shots. Below is the edited final piece.

Faye and Georgia were in control of the camera's while filming, this was quiet simple as the camera's did not need to move at all once they was in the right place all that needed to be done was to hit record, I was acting in our clip. The editing of the clip proved a lot more challenging than the filming, this is because as editing the two clips together the timing had to be perfect to create a seamless edit. We edited two versions of our match on action so that we could see which way worked best, we had switched the clips around so the camera angle started differently in the two shots.
Through out this task i have learnt that match on action needs precise editing otherwise the cut will not be effective, timing is so important when trying to edit two clips together, to help improve with editing match on action skills we could create a clip where there is to different cuts.

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