Wednesday 2 October 2013

180 degree rule script

180 degree rule script

Two characters are engaging in conversation about a recent homework task.

Character 1: [Enters room]

Character 1: Hi
Character 2: Hi
Character 1: [Questioning] Have you done the homework?
Character 2: [Shocked] No, what homework?!
Character 1: The media work that was set last week - we've had had eight days to do it!
Character 2: [Confused] Oh... what was it?
Character 1: That work we started in lesson
Character 2: [Relieved] Oh thats okay, i'll do it this lunch time!
Character 1: You better do it!
Character 2: I will!


Our video using the 180 degree rule

Through out this task my main roles where, filming and editing. While I was filming I had to make sure it would come out in good quality to ensure this I used a tripod to keep the camera steady and I also stuck to the 180 degree rule to prevent any continuity errors. The 180 degree rule insures that character one always stayed on the left and character two remained on the right. While filming this I continuously filmed one character saying all there lines and then filmed the next character saying all there lines in one continuous shot, this was to help keep mise-en-scene the same through out. While myself and group member Georgia were editing our clip we had to present the clip in a way to show that the two characters were having a conversation and from us editing in shot reverse shot this has portrayed that the two characters are talking to one another, we also had to ensure that they were clean cuts, we did not want to use any transitions because this would cause the clip to seem edited and we wanted to keep it as realistic as possible. Next time we could improve things like our lighting, as in this clip the lighting between character one a two is different, although this could be natural lighting from windows but it causes the clip to look inconsistent. 

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