Monday 3 February 2014

Location Shots

Embedded below is a slideshow created using Animoto to present our location shots from Bentley Priory Location, where we filmed the main parts of our horror movie.

This location worked well for our theme of a horror film because we had the traditional eery atmosphere created from being in woods and we also found a small dark hut that we used in our movie, these where effective because it reiterates the typical conventions of horror movies where the victim is isolated with no where else to run to. Overall this location was effective for our horror movie, it gave us the outcome that we wanted which was a scary, creepy place for a young girl to be on her own, which helps to build up the tension of the opening, an area like a forrest also gives spaces for the protaganists to hide like behind trees, this could give the audience the feel that they are being watched this is the perfect feel for and opening of a horror movie.

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