Friday 31 January 2014

Idents and Research

Lionsgate Ident

Before we created our own ident for our horror movie we each researched into excising indents to help inspire us to do ours and it enabled us to pick out the typical conventions you would expect to see in an ident.
Ident is short for identification and they are used to identify the company that have produced the film, they are usually 20 seconds long and contain music and imagery that represent tag company.
The First ident that I have chosen to analyse is Lionsgate. The clip is embedded below.

Design: This is one of Lionsgate indents it lasts for 21 seconds, it opens up with loads of cogs and machinery working around it pans around all the machinery and then zooms out to give the viewer a full view of all the machinery and then goes back through a key hole, inside all of the machinery it is very dark with the bronze clogs, as it emerges out of the key hole it brightens up, the big doors then open to a big bright white light, where you are presented with the name Lionsgate with clouds all behind it and then it all fades out to black. There is also Non-Diagetic music playing through out this whole clip.
Intention: The intention of this ident would be to introduce a horror film the dark room filled with cogs and mechinery connotes an eery scary atmosphere which represents a horror movie. The music in the ident is very victorious which makes the company seem very big and important the music also builds up a climax and progressively gets louder as the name of the company reveles which also connotes their importance.

Lionsgate also have an older ident that they used around 2003, the old ident is embedded below.

Design: This is the older version of lionsgate ident, this one lasts for only 12 seconds which is a bit shorter than the typical ident. It opens up with a dark starry night sky, and then small sparkles fly across the screen as they create the outline of a lion that is all sparkly, a bright light flashes and the words 'Lions Gate Films' appears and fades into gold, for the remaining time of this ident the wording and the lion outline are sparkling in the nights sky.
Intention: The intention of this ident is to represent the company in the best way possible, from using sparkly trails to create the lion connotes that the company are huge and dreamy and the reasoning behind the lion is obviously to represent the company LIONSgate. The intention of having the typography in gold is to represent the company's importance also from having the text stay on the screen for a long period of time while it glitters in the night sky highlights that they are a prestigious company.

Dreamworks ident

Faye analysed the Dreamworks ident:

Design: This is on of two dominant 'Dreamworks' animation idents and it has duration of  23 seconds. The animation begins with the camera travelling upwards through the clouds , then as is progresses the sight of a crescent moon comes into view.Then travelling upwards is a cluster of clear balloon with what appears to be an adolescent boy attached to them. Once at the high of the moon , the boy sits down on it and lets go of the balloons. The camera then follows the balloons as they travel further up into the sky and then the balloon explode to form the word 'Dreamworks' in the sky.

Intention: The connotations of the sky and the moon could be a way of showing how big and powerful the company is. Additionally connotations of the moon is serenity and calmness this could be a representation of the films they produce , as most films made by Dreamworks are happy family films. This can also be shown through the use of colour when 'Dreamworks' appears on the screen and the use of an adolescent boy in the sequence. Finally clouds usually symbolise dreams , it appears the 'Dreamworks' have played on this due to the name of their company and therefore throughout the sequence clouds are a dominant feature. 

Secondly I looked at an ident which is more common of the horror movie theme. I choose to look at how dreamworks altered their child friendly ident to fit a horror movie.

Design: The ident begins with the camera tracking along a reflection of cloud and the moon in the water. The a fishing rod appears in the water, the camera then pans up to show the adolescent boy sitting on the crescent moon with a fishing rod in his hand. The moon the forms into the shape of a 'D' , the camera then tracks along showing the word 'Dreamworks' forming in the sky. The sequence is significantly darker than the previous ident and throughout the image becomes distorted.

Intention: As this ident is trying to represent a horror movie , they have intentionally edited their ident to fit the genre. As in their previous ident there is the use of bright colours to represent their family friendly films , now the ident is quite dark and dim to portray that the movie is of a darker form. Additionally the distortions used throughout portray that this is a different form of movie and something you wouldn't expect from dreamworks , it shows their typical genre has been distorted.

Disney ident

Georgia analysed the Diseny ident 
The first ident I analysed was the ident used by Disney, embedded from The Ident Gallery.

This ident denotes a blue sky, panning across a river and city to reveal the Disney castle, a firework show in the background. The words 'Walt Disney pictures' are revealed, and a streak of light appears around the castle. Although this is a lot more animated and complex than the original company ident (embedded below), it is still very iconic. This ident is now used on most Disney films from 2006 onwards. The intention of this ident connotes a theme of magic, which appeals to the target audience of children and families. Furthermore, the castle is an iconic element that is present in the Disney amusement parks, such as Disney World Florida. The castle is evidently a part of Disney and their logo, as well as their history of the company.

Companies such as Disney occasionally use alternative idents to appeal to appropriate films, or for anniversay editions, genre of film, modernising, to mimic or give a nod to a film for example live action films such as Tron.

Disney have continued to change and modernise their ident for many different films, suggesting to the audience that after the so many years off being a prestige company, they still want to be contemporary and just as relevant as any other production company in the contemporary era of the film industry. The ident for Tron, embedded above, displays Disney as a company evolving into more graphic live action movies, using technologically advanced cgi and special effects, as foreshadowed in their ident for the film. The ident also reflects the theme of the movie, incorporating the use of lights and sci-fi genre and the iconic Disney castle. Another sci-fi genre ident is from the film Lilo And Stitch (2002), embedded below, in which the logo itself gets abducted by aliens, connoting the film plot line involving aliens and reinforcing the genre of sci-fi and action. The castle is displayed on an alternative black background. A green laser appears around the castle instead of the usual magic dust. A beam of green light then appears over the logo, and it shakes and elevates upwards. This is to connote UFOs and alien life, which relates to the storyline as  the lead character Stitch is an alien.

Thursday 30 January 2014

Our group ident

Embeded below is the storyboard that I created in order for our group to be able to create an opening ident for our horror movie. I included dripping blood as this is usually related to horror movies and creates an eery opening which builds tention for the viewer. As the blood is dripping i had drawn the company names onto the screen, my intention is for the typography to be in white which will contrast with the black and dark red background, the whie writing also connotes a ghostly nature the pure white and swift movement, these aspects are related to ghostly chareceristics.

Georgia then went on to create the ident using iMovie

Wednesday 29 January 2014

Horror film step outline

Below i have created a step outline of The gift as part of our horror genre research, i was looking at the length of the cuts, the miss-en-scene, sound, camera work, editing and the typography.

Step outline for film opening of The Gift
Genre: Horror

Description of action

Fades from black to helkon SK ident fades to black.
Hekon SK ident

Fades from black then fades into black.

Fades from black to Lakeshore Entertainment ident, fades to black.
Lakeshore Entertainment ident

Fades from black then fades into black.

Fades from black to Paramount Classics ident, fades to black.
Paramount classics ident

Fades from black then fades into black.

Fades from black, white text fades onto screen at bottom and central.
White text at the bottom and centralised on a black screen
Small insect noises, high pitched.

Fades from black then fades into black.
White text on a black screen, seems isolated and quiet eerie representing an eerie atmosphere.

Fades from black, white text fades onto screen at bottom and central.
White text at the bottom and centralised on a black screen
Small insect noises, high pitched.

Fades from black then fades into black.

Fades from black to a dark foggy forest, lots of bare trees, surrounding a lake.
Dark, foggy forest surrounding a lake.
High pitch insect noises getting louder and higher in pitch, owl hooting.

Fades from black, fades into next shot in black and white.

Fades from previous shot to a tall dark tree, in a forest all foggy.
A tall dark tree with several dark tree’s behind all foggy
High pitch insect sounds.
Tilts down a tall dark tree
Fades form previous shot, Quick cut to the next shot in black and white

A girl falling in darkness, hitting floor.
Girl falling to a muddy floor, half naked in her knickers and open blouse, with chains around her neck.
Thunder, big bangs

Quick cut in black and white, quick cut to the next shot

Back to the big dark tree in the foggy, dark forest with the lake.
Across a lake looking into the dark foggy forest.

Quick cut from previous shot, fades into next shot

Across a lake looking over to the floor of the dark foggy forest.
Misty lake looking into the floor layer and the bases of big dark tree’s all foggy.

Fades in to shot, fades out to the next shot

Base of an old dark tree, reflecting onto the surface of the lake.
Dark forest lots of tree’s reflecting the forest onto the lake.

Fades in to shot, fades out to next shot

Sun setting through the tree’s in the forest.
Red sun setting through the tree’s the zooming gives the impression of walking through the forest
Faint eerie music in the back ground
Zooming in
Fades in

Sun setting through the tree’s in the forest.
Red sun setting through the tree’s the zooming gives the impression of walking through the forest
Faint eerie music in the back ground
Zooming in

Yellow text fades in across the middle of the screen

Sun setting through the tree’s in the forest.
Red sun setting through the tree’s the zooming gives the impression of walking through the forest
Faint eerie music in the back ground
Panning around
Fades out to next shot.

Looking down into the reflection of water at the tree’s and sky.
Looking into the lake, seeing the reflection of the tree’s and the sky.
Eerie music
Panning around
Fades in

Looking down into the reflection of water at the tree’s and sky.
Looking into the lake, seeing the reflection of the tree’s and the sky.
Eerie music
Panning around

Text in top centre of the screen fades in saying the title of the movie

Water rippling with reflection of the tree’s
Rippling water with reflection of tree’s and sky
Eerie music
Panning around
Fades out to next shot

Lady’s hand grabbing a gold watch off the counter, next to a deck of cards, puts watch back down on the counter and goes to pick up the deck of cards.
Lady’s hand grabbing a gold watch off a counter, a deck of cards are on the counter next to the watch
Music becomes much less eerie, more orchestra

Fades in, cuts to next shot

Car drives past on the road behind the bridge.
Bright day, small river, green grass, old style bridge with arch ways
Music becomes much less eerie, more orchestra

Quick cut to shot

Car drives past on the road behind the bridge.
Bright day, small river, green grass, old style bridge with arch ways
Music becomes much less eerie, more orchestra

Yellow text in the top right fades in, fades out
Two people walking across small bridge over a river.
Bright day, small river, green grass, old style bridge with arch ways
Music becomes much less eerie, more orchestra

Yellow text in the middle left of the screen fades in, fades out
Another person follows closely behind the other two.
Bright day, small river, green grass, old style bridge with arch ways
Music becomes much less eerie, more orchestra

Quick cut into next shot
Yellow text in the bottom right of the screen fades in, fades out
Three young boys playing on a river bank, throwing pebbles into the river and walking past.
On a river bank with old building in the background, dead twigs on the floor, two young boys.
Music becomes much less eerie, more orchestra

Quick cut into shot
Yellow text in the middle left of the screen fades in, fades out
Three young boys playing on a river bank, throwing pebbles into the river and walking past.
On a river bank with old building in the background, dead twigs on the floor, two young boys.
Music becomes much less eerie, more orchestra

Yellow text in the centre at the bottom fades in, fades out
Two other boys follow closely behind.
On a river bank with old building in the background, dead twigs on the floor, two young boys.
Music becomes much less eerie, more orchestra

Quick cut to next shot
Yellow text in bottom right fades in, fades out
Back to lady’s hand the cards on the counter, turning over cards with different symbols on them.
Dark counter with cards laid out.
Music becomes much less eerie, more orchestra

Faye created her own step outline of the horror film, The ring.

Georgia created her own step outline of the horror film, The purge.